Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Features and Landmarks of the Lincoln County Ice Age Trail

Zoom in to view the Ice Age Trail and make sense of all of these varied points.
Click points for more information.
Open the side bar in the map's upper left corner to turn layers on and off.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fall Color Hike and Trail Grand Opening

Join the Northwoods Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a hike through autumn leaves on a newly constructed trail.  Explore the 2.5 mile Marsh Loop, or continue over the ice marginal ridge for a 5.1 mile journey to the brink of the Prairie Dells gorge.  A newly created map to 42 features on Lincoln County hiking trails will be available to guide you past the historic and natural features in your path.

Meet for a guided hike at 10AM on October 1st.  From Highway 17 find Heinemann Road just south of Bloomville and continue approximately 2.5 miles west to the Merrill Memorial Forest.  Others approaching from Merrill may take County K for 6 miles north to County R which winds east to the trailhead.

Bring a snack and water for the trail.  The hike is open to the public at no cost.  A free will donation for the local chapter is welcome.  For more information contact Chris Schotz at 715-351-0107.

This trail will also host the Wisconsin Endurance Mountain Bike Series Championship on October 8th.  This event is another trail fundraiser, and volunteers are always appreciated.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Northwoods Chapter
 Ice Age Trail Alliance

Spring Wildflower Hike

Saturday May 21, 2016
10 A.M.

Northwoods Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance will be conducting their guided annual Spring Wildflower Hike in the beautiful Harrison Hills of Lincoln County.  Learn the names of all the wildflowers along the way.
Bring a lunch and water to have on the trail.
The hike is open to the public at no cost. A free will donation for the local chapter is welcome.
For more information contact Ruby Jaecks at 715-551-1118 or

Directions:  51 to J north of Merrill (at Irma).  Go east 5 miles-Turn north on Turtle Lake Road. Go ½ mile to ATV parking lot.

Or from east Take Highway 17 to County Road J at Bloomville.  Go west on J to Turtle Lake Road. Turn north on Turtle Lake Road. Go ½ mile  to ATV Parking Lot

(Follow the Ice Age Trail Event Signs)

Monday, January 4, 2016

Northwoods Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance Snowshoe Hike

January 23, 2016
10:00 A.M.

The Northwoods Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance will host  a
guided snowshoe hike in the Underdown area of the Lincoln County Forest on Saturday,  January 23, 2015 starting at 10:00 A.M.   Meet at the  Underdown Parking Lot parking lot on Copper Lake Road.

Come and enjoy the wonderful landscape created by the Great Wisconsin Glacier about ten
thousand years ago.  A UW geology and geophysics professor described the Underdown as a
“world class hummocky feature” of glacial topography.  In simpler terms, the area has swamps,
lakes, bogs and hills abundantly.

The snowshoe trail layout and design has been done by chapter member, Chris Schotz. The trail
is well marked and packed.  Hikers can chose between distances of one to four hours depending
on your ability, experience and endurance.  The trail is  moderately difficulty. Bring your
snowshoes, drink and weather appropriate clothing.

Hot cider, hot chocolate, cookies and a blazing fire will await you after the hike.  There is no charge for this event, though donations will be accepted.

For more information, contact Ruby Jaecks at 715-551-1118 cell phone

Directions:  51 to K north of Merrill.  K right to H.  H right to Copper Lake Road.
Copper Lake Road to Underdown Parking Lot

Directions from Rhinelander:  Take Highway 17 South to Hiway J at Bloomville . Go right on J to Copper Lake Road. Turn left on Copper Lake Road to Underdown Parking Lot.
Follow the Ice Age Trail  signs