Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snowshoe Hike

The Ice Age Trail will host a snowshoe hike on the Underdown trails on January 22nd at 10:30.

Snowshoe and ski trails should be tracked and signed this week.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Raspberry Ride and Hike

Come on out to the Underdown on Sunday, July 25th for a ride or hike through the raspberry fields of trail C. We'll meet at about 10 AM at the small parking lot and proceed without much organization, picking and eating as we go. From Dog Lake we can ride or hike back to Loop Road on the Ice Age Trail, or explore other trails.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wildflower Hike May 15th

Northwoods Chapter-Spring Wildflower Hike
Northwoods Chapter Spring Wildflower Hike-Meet 9:30 A.M. at Club 64-2405 Main St, west edge of Merrill Wi. to car pool to start of Hike. Those wishing to drive themselves, take Highway 64 west of Merrill to Highway E. Follow E west to trailhead on Highway E about one half mile north of the Conservation Ave-Highway E intersection. Trailhead is on the West side of road. The Hike will start at 10:00A.M. from the traillhead. We will hike along the Newwood River to several very large white pines that escaped the logging that took place in the early 1900s where we will have a lunch. Bring your lunch, water, flower books and maybe "bug dope".

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring is Coming

The map signs on the Underdown snowshoe trails have been removed for the year before everything melts. The trail is still good for boot hiking for now, and it's a good time for off trail snowshoeing on the crust.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Underdown Snowshoe Trails are Open

You can also see video from the snowshoe hike here.

Annual Chapter Meeting

April 12th, 6:30 PM
Lincoln County Service Building
N. Sales Street, Merrill

Program provided by Bob Freckman, UWSP Professor of Biology and specialist on plant identification.